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Hahnemühle PhotoRag
Delivery Time: approx. 7 days
Product Code: HPR
Brand: Hahnemühle
Quick Overview
PhotoRag is the classic fine art paper. Photo Rag is a real Fourdrinier paper from pure cotton fiber with a beautiful matte, velvety surface.
Hahnemühle is the reference for high-quality rag papers with a unique inkjet coating. PhotoRag is pH neutral, alkaline buffered and contains only small amounts of optical brighteners.
- weight: 308g/m2
- Dmax: 1,69
- colorgamut : 82 ccu
How to softproof: we add the color check report to all our soft-proofing profiles to give detailed information about color characteristics and performance of a chosen profile-printer-paper combination. We also deliver an ICC Profil for softproofing. Please make sure to use this profile only for soft proofing - don’t use it as a working colorspace nor embed it into the file, since we use specific profiles for each printer and won’t use the generic profile. Deliver all files in your working color space.
 Colorcheck Report   
 ICC Soft Proof
Price Chart
Exakte Preise erhalten Sie nach Upload ihrer Bilddatei und Auswahl des Endformates und der optionalen Erweiterungen.
Unsere Preise berechnen sich nach Länge+Breite des Papierformats (=halber Umfang), unabhängig vom Seitenverhältnis, in 25cm Schritten
Format | zB 1:1 | zB 3:2 | zB andere | Preis |
bis 50 cm | 25 x 25 cm | 30 x 20 cm | 30 x 21 cm - A4 | 10,60 € |
bis 75 cm | 35 x35 cm | 45 x 30 cm | 40 x 30 cm | 17,81 € |
bis 100 cm | 50 x 50 cm | 60 x 40 cm | 70 x 30 cm | 30,05 € |
bis 125 cm | 60 x 60 cm | 75 x 50 cm | 90 x 30 cm | 45,13 € |
bis 150 cm | 75 x 75 cm | 90 x 60 cm | 80 x 60 cm | 64,91 € |
bis 175 cm | 85 x 85 cm | 105 x 70 cm | 100 x 75 cm | 88,41 € |
bis 200 cm | 100 x 100 cm | 120 x 80 cm | 150 x 50 cm | 120,21 € |